Kako Procter&Gamble-ova nova kutija s kapsulama za rublje spaja održivi dizajn s certifikatom o pristupačnosti i sigurnosti djece

Samantha King, potpredsjednica za istraživanje i razvoj u P&G Fabric Care Europe, naglašava kako Ariel ECOCLIC® ima trostruke ključne karakteristike. Prvo, kartonska ambalaža, koja je u postupku patentiranja, izrađena je od FSC certificiranih materijala. Drugo, ovo je prva Ariel ambalaža za pranje rublja koja je certificirana sigurnom za djecu. Na trećem mjestu, osim ambalaže, inoviran je i sadržaj proizvoda. Ariel-ovi novi All-in-1 Pods® dizajnirani su za uklanjanje mrlja čak i u hladnoj vodi zahvaljujući COOLCLEAN tehnologiji, koja posebno djeluje na mrlje i škrob prisutan u hrani.
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Having been made with FSC-certified material, means it is manufactured from FSC-certified woods and recycled materials, which is a vital step in Procter & Gamble's drive to minimize plastic use. Approximately 6,500 tons of plastic could be avoided annually if all Ariel Pods® consumers in Europe moved to the new cardboard ECOCLIC® packaging. In addition to being totally recyclable in curbside paper collection streams, the package is also entirely recyclable in all other paper recycling streams. Additionally, it being certified child safe and designed with inclusivity in mind, is a response to consumer complaints that plastic washing tubs are difficult to open due to dexterity concerns. The package underwent thorough testing for four years with over 2,000 European customers, including parents and those with dexterity, vision, and cognitive limitations. Consumers adored the simplicity of opening, the quality of the packaging, and the reassuringly audible "one click" closure, which makes it evident that the pack is closed after use and ensures the safety of children. The ECOCLIC® box is a packaging innovation, but when combined with its contents, it supports Ariel's greater goal of decarbonizing laundry along the whole value chain.

Datum objave: 5.8.2022., 16:12