About Institute of Packaging and Graphic Arts Tectus-IatT

Institute of Packaging and Graphic Arts Tectus - IatT was founded in 2001 under the auspices of Tectus Ltd with the aim of enhancing economic activities and fostering business cooperation between Croatian economy and foreign companies and international organizations, as well as promoting the packaging and graphic arts professions in Croatia and countries of the region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia), in Europe and the world.
In 2008 the Institute became a member of WPO (World Packaging Organization) and EPIC (European Packaging Institutes Consortium).
Ambalaža/REGprint is a trade journal for packaging and graphic arts industries in Croatia and countries of the region. It is published quarterly – in March, June, September and December. In 2015 Ambalaza/REGprint is celebrating 20th anniversary of continuous publishing. Ambalaža/REGprint is distributed to packaging users and producers, graphic arts and printing experts, suppliers of materials and equipment, marketing agencies, design studios, publishers, representative agencies and distributors, companies, educational institutions and professional associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia as well as to participants of professional assemblies and visitors of fairs in Croatia and abroad.
More than 7,000 pages have been published so far.
Other publications:
Reference book Let’s Play, Learn and Protect the Environment, Didactic Toys from Packaging, by Mijat Barišić Ružić.
University textbook Packaging for Foodstuffs (group of authors: Ivan Vujković, Kata Galić, Martin Vereš).
Who is Who in the Graphic Arts and Packaging Industry in Croatia guide (1st and 2nd editions). Printed guide with information about manufacturers of packaging, packaging materials, devices, machines and equipment...
Traceability manual, a practical guide on how to face the development of a traceability system for companies, which manufacture or use food packaging.
With the goal of transferring knowledge, IatT has successfully organized professional assemblies in the packaging and graphic technologies area, and educated more than 3,000 people.
In total, 33 conferences have been organized by IatT so far, with numerous expert speakers and delegates from many countries.
World Packaging Days 2012 were held in Split, Croatia, organized by the Institute of Packaging and Graphic Arts (IatT), with the World Packaging Organization as the general patron. For six days, Croatia was the central meeting point for the global, regional and local experts from all levels and sectors of the packaging business, gathering more than 230 participants from 37 different world countries.
World Packaging Days events:
WPO Executive Board Meeting and Working Groups Meetings
WPO Board Meeting
Round Table "Regional Packaging Industry and Sustainability"
World Packaging Congress "Packaging and Sustainability"
CROPAK and REGPAK Awards Ceremony
WorldStar Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner
FEST.A CROPAK, festival of packaging, is an annual event which brings together users and producers of packaging in Croatia and the region, designers, printers and everyone who is in any way related to the packaging industry. It is comprised of:
International conference about trends in packaging industry
CROPAK award ceremony for the best packaging on the Croatian market
REGPAK award ceremony for the best packaging on the regional market
Student Creative Workshop CROPAK
CROPAK is the annual award for the best packaging in Croatia and was founded in 2004. The goal of CROPAK award is to promote and reward technological advancements of packaging as a means of protection, identification, marketing and promotion of a product. An additional goal is the motivation of packaging producers and users, designers and printers to expand the technical and qualitative scopes of packaging and the graphic art industry, emphasize the need for qualitative shifts in the conception and recognition of Croatia’s visual identity, graphic and industrial design, ecological characteristics of packaging and domestic development of machines, devices and equipment for packaging and packaging waste management.
REGPAK was established in 2010 on the basis of CROPAK as an award for the best packaging in the region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia).
Both CROPAK and REGPAK awards have been recognized by World Packaging Organization (WPO) and their winners are eligible to apply for WorldStar, award for the best packaging in the world.
Student Creative Workshop CROPAK
There are numerous student workshops with re/design as a topic, but only Student Creative Workshop CROPAK put a creative assignment in the framework of re/design of a sponsor's trade mark packaging. The project was launched seven years ago under the patronage of Universities of Zagreb, Rijeka and Split and gathered 488 students so far. The main goal of the Workshop is to:
achieve a synergy between professional designers, educational institutions and economy
stimulate the creativity of students from higher educational institutions
introduce future professionals to the processes of re/designing of sponsor's trade mark packaging as soon as possible.
The aim of the project is to highlight the importance of packaging as an inseparable part of the product, to promote a product, as well as to inform and educate consumers about the packaging and its functions, with great emphasis on the proper waste management and environmental protection.
Central part of the project is the exhibition of dresses made of packaging materials "Buttoned-up by Scotch Tape".
With four exhibitions held so far in the region (Zagreb, Beograd, Sarajevo, Ljubljana) more than
600 000 consumers were educated about importance of packaging.
PRINT.Fest – Days with Mr. Print – FESTIVAL OF PRINT
Festival of print PRINT.Fest – Days with Mr. Print is an regional annual event comprised of:
International Conference: "New Age of Print", which brings actualities on different printing aspects, methods and applications that individually or in synergy with other communication platforms meet the expectations of the modern market.
CROprint - competition for the best Croatian printed product
REGprint - competition for the best printed product in region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia)
Exhibition of nominations for CROprint and REGprint awards
After party "In Honour of you and Mr. Print"
CROprint i REGprint - Awards for the best printed product on Croatian and regional market
The aim of CROprint and REGprint awards is to promote, highlight and award technological and technical performance, design achievements of printed products (as marketing and promotion instrument) and to motivate designers, producers and users of printed product, in order to expand technical and quality limits of printing industry.
PACKAGING WEBPORTAL - www.ambalaza.hr
Web portal is the central place to find information on the packaging and graphic arts industry in Croatia and the leading national and regional internet page for packaging professionals and users of their services. According to the statistical data for 2014 the portal had a monthly average of more than 10,000 visitors. It is mostly used by product managers, advertising agencies and graphic design studios, publishers, representatives and distributors, graphic artists, printers, as well as suppliers of equipment and materials for the packaging and graphic arts industry.
The portal abounds in news and information that the end users need in order to find their future partners. Additionally, the portal also features an active Who is Who in the Graphic Arts and Packaging Industry in Croatia guide which provides information on companies from the industry.