After the successfully held educational project "Packaging-Product-Consumer-Environment", respectively, the exhibition of dresses made of packaging materials "Buttoned-up by Schotch Tape", which took place from May 19th till June 15th 2012, at the most visited Croatian shopping center Westgate shopping city in Zagreb, the same project will be set up from January 16th till February 3rd 2013, at the atrium of the shopping center Delta City in Belgrade, Serbia. The Zagreb exhibition featured thirteen dresses from different packaging materials of well known Croatian brands, made by well known Croatian fashion designers.
Packaging of Renowned Brands in Creative Hands of Fashion
The dresses made from packaging materials of brands on the Serbian market are designed by well known Serbian fashion designers. Each dress is accompanied by a text about the belonging product and its packaging material, its effect on environmental issues, packaging labels, about the designer... The purpose of the text will be to educate and inform consumers, as well as promote the brand from whose packaging materials the dress will be created.
Message On a Dress
This project's aim is to highlight the importance of packaging as an inseparable part of a product, and with descriptive texts accompanying each dress, to inform and educate the consumers on packaging and its functions, importance, labeling, methods of disposal.... Through a design challenge and a breakthrough in the packaging materials field, special attention is brought to the need of observing packaging on a high lever of designer creativity. By describing the product, attention is brought to its quality and interaction with packaging.
Naxi radio Keeps You Tuned in With the Exhibition!
The media partner of the exhibition – Naxi radio, which has an average weekly reach of 400,000 listeners, will be following the project in all its phases, as well as co-organizing radio quizzes, in which all visitors of Delta City shopping center, as well as Naxi radio listeners, will be able to partake by calling in and reporting their answers after they have found the required quiz message, which will be located somewhere on the description accompanying each exposed dress.
Exhibition Visitors Will Choose the Best Dress
All visitors who take a stroll along Delta City visititing the exhibition from January 16th till February 3rd 2013, are able to vote for the best dress by completing a voting slip and inserting it in the specially marked boxes, on the exhibition floor. Everyone will be able to vote untill the closing day of the exhibition, when the best dress will be proclaimed, as well as awards presented to the owner and designer of the winning dress.
The dresses are designed by renowned Serbian fashion designers:
