« Back to content Vol 3 | Year 2016

E. De Ferrante: The talking about technologies has stopped, the action has started

Active & Intelligent Packaging enhance and improve packaging’s functionality and provide real benefits – such as security and longer shelf-life – to all the stakeholders. It also brings some fun to the purchasing experience. Economically A&IP should save money for everyone and greatly enhance the security and safety of products in a world of complex supply chains and many man-made dangers. With the purpose of encouraging the development of Active & Intelligent Packaging, an Active & Intelligent Packaging Industry Association (AIPIA) was founded in the Netherlands. AIPIA is committed to acting as the hub for information exchange and networking for the A&IP sector, to aid the rapid implementation of these technologies. We discussed current state on the A&IP market, trends and potential for this type of packaging with Eef de Ferrante, AIPIA CEO.

Institut Infoblic

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