« Back to content Vol 3 | Year 2015

Mihael Zmajlović, Croatian Minister of Environmental and Nature Protection

We made tectonic changes in the waste management system

The long awaited new Rulebook on Packaging and Packaging Waste came into force mid-August. One of the biggest novelties, that caused the greatest public interest, is the revoke of the 50 lipa returnable fee for milk and dairy products packaging. Besides, the Rulebook also brings about a dozen of important changes for the business sector, among which we would like to emphasize canceling of the incentive fee for packaging waste and change in the packaging waste collection. Namely, it will no longer be regulated by long-term concessions and set fees, instead it will be liberalized and follow the market rules. We have discussed the novelties in the Rulebook with Mihael Zmajlović, Croatian Minister of Environmental and Nature Protection.

Institut Infoblic

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