REGprint Journal - Vol 1, March 2014.



David L. Zwang

Print - an integral part of the global communication matrix

David L. Zwang, consultant for the Print & Publishing Market FROM usa, with over 40 years of industry experience, talks about process analysis and strategic development of companies in the fields of publishing, design, premedia, and printing.

World Experience

Harmony of print and digital media

The key to survival

From Croatian Graphic Industry

Info World

Info Region

Info Croatia


Light Kokot

From Croatian Graphic Industry

The importance of being atypical!

Machines, Devices, Equipment

New standards in large format printing

Continuity for making it ‘large’

Canon and Océ - winning combination

Fujifilm- value from innovation

Expert Witness Practice

Problems in defining graphic design services

Graphic design

Radiant Orchid is the colour of the year

Colour in the cloud


“Dangers and hazards in the printing industry” (M. Pavelić Opuhač)


Who is Who in Graphic Industry

List of Fairs and Exhibitions